Welcome to my Portfolio!
This website is my playground, a showcase of my coding adventures, from side projects that kept me up way past my bedtime to academic endeavors that challenged my brain in all the right ways.
So, grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage (I recommend double espresso for maximum code-fu) and take a look around! You might find something that sparks your curiosity, piques your interest, or even makes you laugh (hopefully not at my expense... ).
VOLEX is a web application that aims to releive the tediousness and hassles of monitoring and maintaining one's finances.
In Progress...
The EffortLogger_v2 is a remake and improvement over the original EffortLogger Excel Visual Basic Program. It is Written in Java to allow for greater flexibility and it uses a localhost SQL database for storing log information.
This project involves analyzing a Kaggle dataset comprising 284,807 credit card transactions, with a focus on fraud detection using machine learning techniques. The dataset is imbalanced, with only 492 transactions labeled as fraudulent. The process includes data preprocessing, analysis, and building models such as Logistic Regression, a shallow neural network, RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier, and LinearSVC.
A comprehensive project focused on integrating Spotify's API into a web application, allowing users to authenticate, access their top tracks, artists, and genres, and receive personalized recommendations. The application features user-friendly interfaces, dynamic content rendering, and interactive functionalities, making it a versatile and engaging platform for music enthusiasts.
Follow my process of engineering the digital logic for a brainless microprocessor. The final delivery of the project is a brainless microprocessor that is programmable through the manipulation of the ROM values.
Design part of the controller to regulate temperature as part of the design of a thermostat. As required for all HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, the controller must be designed so that the equipment is not damaged.